• Publication

    *THE IS NOT UP-TO-DATE. Check Google Scholar or AxLab page for the LATEST!!!

    Conference - Full Paper

    Ken Nakagaki, Jordan L. Tappa, Yi Zheng, Joanne Leong, Sven Koenig, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “(Dis)Appearables: A Concept and Method for Actuated Tangible UIs to Appear and Disappear based on Stages,”
    ACM CHI2022 (2022.4). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ozgun Kilic Afsar, Ali Shtarbanov, Hila Mor, Ken Nakagaki, Jack Forman, Karen Modrei, Seung Hee Jeong, Klas Hjort, Kristina Höök, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “OmniFiber: Integrated Fluidic Fiber Actuators for Weaving Movement based Interactions into the ‘Fabric of Everyday Life,”
    ACM UIST2021 (2021.10). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Joanne Leong, Jordan L. Tappa, João Wilbert, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “HERMITS: Dynamically Reconfiguring the Interactivity of Self-propelled TUIs with Mechanical Shell Add-ons,”
    ACM UIST2020 (2020.10). [PDF] [ACM]


    Hila Mor, Tianyu Yu, Ken Nakagaki, Benjamin Harvey Miller, Yichen Jia, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Venous Materials: Towards Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms,”
    ACM CHI2020 (2020.4). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Yingda (Roger) Liu, Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “TRANS-DOCK: Expanding the Interactivity of Pin-based Shape Displays by Docking Mechanical Transducers,”
    ACM TEI2020 (2020.2). [PDF] [ACM]


    Takatoshi Yoshida, Xiaoyan Shen, Koichi Yoshino, Ken Nakagaki, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “SCALE: Enhancing Force-based Interaction by Processing Load Data from Load Sensitive Modules,”
    ACM UIST2019 (2019.10). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Fitzgerald, Zhiyao (John) Ma, Luke Vink, Daniel Levine and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “inFORCE: Bi-directional `Force’ Shape Display For Haptic Interaction,”
    ACM TEI2019 (2019.3). [PDF] [ACM]

    [Honorable Mention Award]


    Alexandra Delazio, Ken Nakagaki, Roberta L. Klatzky, Scott E. Hudson, Jill Fain Lehman and Alanson P. Sample:
    “Force Jacket: Pneumatically-Actuated Jacket for Embodied Haptic Experiences,”
    ACM CHI2018 (2018.4) [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Udayan Umapathi, Daniel Leithinger, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “AnimaStage: Hands-on Animated Craft on Pin-based Shape Displays,”
    ACM DIS2017 (2017.6). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Artem Dementyev, Sean Follmer, Joseph A. Paradiso, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “ChainFORM: A Linear Integrated Modular Hardware System for Shape Changing Interfaces,”
    ACM UIST2016 (2016.10). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki*, Luke Vink*, Jared Counts, Daniel Windham, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Materiable: Rendering Dynamic Material Properties in Response to Direct Physical Touch with Shape Changing Interfaces,”
    ACM CHI2016 (2016.5). (*The first two authors contributed equally.) [PDF] [ACM]

    [Best Paper Honorable Mention Award]


    Ken Nakagaki, Sean Follmer, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “LineFORM: Actuated Curve Interfaces for Display, Interaction, and Constraint,”
    ACM UIST2015 (2015.11). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Keina Konno, Shuntaro Tashiro, Ayaka Ikezawa, Yusaku Kimura, Masaru Jingi, and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “Petanko Roller: A VR System with a Rolling-Pin Haptic Interface for Entertainment,”
    10th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE2013) (2013.11). [Springer]

    Journal, Magazines, etc

    Ken Nakagaki, Artem Dementyev, Sean Follmer, Joseph A. Paradiso, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Designing Line-Based Shape-Changing Interfaces,”
    IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16(4), 36-46, (2017.10). [IEEE]

    Conference - Demo, Poster and Others

    Takatoshi Yoshida, Jun-ichi Ogawa, Kyun Yun Choi, Sanad Bushnaq, Ken Nakagaki, Hiroshi Ishii:
    “inDepth: Force-based Interaction with Objects beyond A Physical Barrier,”
    ACM TEI2021, Work in Progress (2021.2). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki:
    “Mechanical Shells: Physical Add-ons for Extending and Reconfiguring the Interactivities of Actuated TUIs,”
    ACM UIST2020, Doctoral Consortium (2020.10). [PDF][ACM]


    Koichi Yoshino, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yo Sasaki, Xiaoyan Shen, Ken Nakagaki, Hiroshi Ishii:
    “KI/OSK: Practice Study of Load Sensitive Board for Farmers Market,”
    ACM CHI2020, Case Studies (2020.4). [PDF][ACM]


    Hila Mor, Ken Nakagaki, Yu Tianyu, Benjamin Harvey Miller, Yichen Jia, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Prototyping Interactive Fluidic Mechanisms,”
    ACM TEI2020, Studio (2020.2). [PDF][ACM]


    Joanne Leong, Jose Martinez, Florian Perteneder, Ken Nakagaki, and Hiroshi Ishii :

    “WraPr: Spool-Based Fabrication for Object Creation and Modification,”
    ACM TEI2020, Work in Progress (2020.2). [PDF] [ACM]


    Udayan Umapathi, Patrik Shin, Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Leithinger, and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Programmable Droplets for Interaction,”
    ACM CHI2018 EA, Video Showcase (2018.4). [PDF] [ACM]

    [Golden Mouse Award (Best Video Showcase)]


    Ken Nakagaki, Pasquale Totaro, Jim Peraino, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akiyama, Yin Shuang and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “HydroMorph: Shape Changing Water Membrane for Display and Interaction,”
    ACM TEI2016, Work in Progress (2016.2). [PDF] [ACM]


    Luke Vink, Viirj Kan, Ken Nakagaki, Daniel Leithinger, Sean Follmer, Philipp Schoessler, Amit Zoran and Hiroshi Ishii:

    “TRANSFORM as Adaptive and Dynamic Furniture,”
    ACM CHI2015 EA, Video Showcase (2015.4). [PDF] [ACM]

    [Golden Mouse Award (Best Video Showcase)]


    Ken Nakagaki, Chikara Inamura, Pasquale Totaro, Thariq Shihipar, Chantine Akikyama, Yin Shuang and Hiroshi Ishii:
    “Linked-Stick: Conveying a Physical Experience using a Shape-Shifting Stick,”
    ACM CHI2015 EA, Posters (2015.4). [PDF] [ACM]


    Momoko Okazaki, Ken Nakagaki and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “metamoCrochet: Augmenting Crocheting with Bi-stable Color Changing Inks,”
    ACM SIGGRAPH2014, Posters (2014.8). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “COMP*PASS: A Compass-based Drawing Interface,”
    ACM CHI2014 EA, Interactivity (2014.4). [PDF] [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “Needle User Interface: A Sewing Interface Using Layered Conductive Fabrics,”
    ACM UIST2012, Demo Session (2012.10). [ACM]


    Ken Nakagaki, Keina Konno, Shuntaro Tashiro, Ayaka Ikezawa, Yusaku Kimura, Masaru Jingi, and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “Petanko Roller: Rolling-pin-based Interface for Representing Sensations of Rolling Out Virtual Objects,”
    Laval Virtual2012, ReVolution, Dem.2 (2012.3-4).


    Ken Nakagaki and Yasuaki Kakehi:
    “SonalShooter: A Spatial Augmented Reality System Using Handheld Directional Speaker with Camera,”
    ACM SIGGRAPH2011, Posters (2011.8). [PDF] [ACM]

    Japanese Journals and Conferences

    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    “COMP*PASS: 紙上での多様な図形描画と複製を可能にするコンパスの拡張”,
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 423-432 (2014.9).


    岡崎 桃子, 中垣 拳, 筧 康明:

    ”metamoCrochet: 感温変色素材を用いた編み物の提案”,

    Entertainment Computing 2014, pp. 1-6, (2014.9).


    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    “COMP*PASS: 実世界での図形のコピー&ペーストを可能にするコンパスの拡張”,
    情報処理学会第31回SIGEC研究会, (2014.3).


    中垣 拳, 今野 恵菜, 田代 俊太郎, 池澤 彩野花, 木村 優作, 仁義 勝, 筧 康明:
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.287-295 (2013.9).


    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第18回大会, (2013.9).


    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会第17回大会, (2012.9).


    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    “Needle User Interface (NUI):導電布を用いた縫うインタフェースの提案”,
    インタラクション2012, インタラクティブ発表 (2012.3).


    中垣 拳, 今野 恵菜, 田代 俊太郎, 池澤 彩野花, 木村 優作, 仁義 勝, 筧 康明:
    “ペタンコ麺棒:物体を潰して伸ばす麺棒型 VR インタフェース”,
    インタラクション2012, インタラクティブ発表 (2012.3).


    中垣 拳, 筧 康明:
    “指向性スピーカを用いた空間拡張デバイス SonalShooterの基礎検討”,
    インタラクション2011, インタラクティブ発表 (2011.3).


    山岡 潤一, 木村 孝基, 川鍋 徹, 大嶋 泰介, 中垣 拳, 速水 友里, 筧 康明:
    “TagCandy : 棒付き飴の食感拡張デバイスの提案”,
    芸術科学会NICOGRAPH ポスターセッション (2011.3).